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Trascrizione in inglese dei dialoghi dell'episodio:


Episodio: n. 12

seconda serie

(si ringrazia Xenamedia e Cristina Creek)



G: “So this is Cirra. It’s beautiful.”

X: “To me, it’s the ugliest place on Earth.”

G: “I don’t think you should keep punishing yourself for what

X: “I didn’t come here to punish myself. I wanna understand

G: “Why what?”

X: “Why it happened. Why I was who I was. And how I can ever

G: “You’ve changed, Xena. Like this valley. Once it was a
place full of death and violence. But now it’s full of beauty
and life. The same kind of change has happened to you.”

X: “I wish that I could see it that way. I’m going down there.”

G: “I’ll wait here.”


[Flashback to the destruction of Cirra]

Girl [Presumably the young Callisto]: “Why?”

X: “Get up! Yah!”


X: “Gabrielle?! Gabrielle?!”


Man: “Lord of the Moon, Mistress of the stars-- we-- the children
of the sun ask you for an omen. Send us a sign. Hail, goddess!
We are your servants. Tell us our future.”

X: “I got nothing but bad news for you.”


X: “Gabrielle, catch!”

G: “Run! Come on, run!”


X: “Gabrielle?”

G: “Wait, wait, stop! I think I hear Xena.”

X: “Hey! Glad to see ya. Now, get outta here.”

G: “Quick! Run!”

[Fight continues]

G: “Come on! Don’t stop! Let’s go!”

Warrior: “Get her!”

Girl: [Speaks Gaelic, presumably]


X: “Get out of the way!”



G: “Ahhh! Ah! Ah! Ah! Xena? Ah! Open your eyes. Wake up!
Ah! Wake up!”

X: “Gabrielle-- the girl.”

G: “What girl? One of the captives?”

X: “Only she can save me.”

G: “They’re gone. Xena.”

X: “Mt. Nestus.”

G: “Oh, I’m sorry. Mt. Nestus?”

X: “Take me there.”

G: “I-- I can’t take you there. I-- I don’t know. It’s too far
away. I-- uh-- Xena, I don’t know if, if--”

X: “Please.”

G: “OK.”

X: “Amphipolis.”


[Flashback to TEN WINTERS AGO]

Sold: “Come on! Get moving!”

Village Man: “Have mercy! Please!”

Sold: “Come on! Get on over to Xena!”

X: “People of Neopolitis. Friends-- you’re free to go. But
spread the word. My army will punish any village that allies
itself with the enemies of Amphipolis. And I will do anything to
ensure the safety of my homeland. Those who don’t heed my
warning-- will pay a terrible price.”


Tellus [T]: “Get going! You hungry? Ah, what’s the matter?
You not hungry? [Laughs]”

Julius Caesar [JC]: “I generally don’t eat food touched by a
pig. You have a woman’s touch.”

T: “So, you not afraid of a beating, huh? You afraid to die?”

JC: “A brave man dies only once. A man like you-- dies a
thousand times.”

T: “All right, brave man-- you’re one time is now!”

X: “Tellus-- look at him-- the robes; the bearing, the poise.
Why, we have a Roman nobleman-- a valuable commodity.”

T: “What are you talking about?”

JC: “Ransom-- she’s talking about ransom, pig.”

X: “That’s right, we can get 20,000 dinars for him.”

JC: “20,000 isn’t enough.”

X: “Oh, really?”

JC: “They’ll never believe you have me, if that’s all you’re
asking. I’m worth five times that.”

X: “Very well. But if you’re wrong, it’s your neck. Lyserius--
send out a ransom demand to the nearest Roman settlement. Tell
them to send 100,000 dinars if they ever want to see-- what’s
your name?”

JC: “Caesar, Julius Caesar.”

X: “Caesar, Julius Caesar, again. You really weren’t afraid to
die, were you?”

JC: “I knew someone would stop him.”

X: “And, how could you know that?”

JC: “I know what I’m fated to do with my life.”

X: “And what’s that?”

JC: “Rule the world.”

Lyserius [L]: “Let’s go, Roman.”


G: “Xena-- can you hear me? Xena. Xena, can you hear me? Mt.
Nestus. Is it north of the Strymon River?”

X: “North-- Strymon.”

G: “I think that’s a ‘yes.’”

X: [Mumbles something]


X: “Do you hear me? Don’t make a move.”

L: “What is it?”

X: “We have a stowaway.”

Warriors: “Come down!” “We got her.” “Hold onto her.” Don’t
let her get away.” “A woman.”

X: “What did you do to my leg? Fix it. My leg, fix it! Bring
over Tellus. She can fix whatever she did to him.”

M’Lila: [Speaks Gaelic]

X: “What’s she saying?”

JC: “She said it’s too late for him.”

L: “She’s killed him!”

X: “Wait. You speak her language. Tell her I’ll spare her life
if she’ll teach me how she did that.”

JC: [Speaks Gaelic]

X: “Take her down below.”

Warrior: “Let’s go.”

JC: “Be careful. Runaway slaves are very dangerous people.”

X: “How do you know she’s a runaway?”

JC: “She speaks Gaelic-- but she’s clearly from the land of the
Pharaoh-- probably abducted as a child by raiders from Western

X: “Western Gaul, huh? Why do you say that?”

JC: “Gaul is divided into three parts. Each area speaks its own
different dialect. One day I’ll conquer all three provinces.”

X: “How can you be so sure of yourself.”

JC: “I told you. I’m--”

X: “Oh, that’s right. You’re fated to rule the world. Do you
really believe that?”

JC: “Of course. Each event in our life is part of a great plan.
There are no accidents. Only destiny.”

X: “And who shapes this destiny-- the gods?”

JC: “Perhaps. Or it’s the blood in our veins, our-- souls, our
desires-- our will. They’re all in it-- together, weaving a
tapestry we call-- ‘destiny.’”

X: “Well, I can tell you _one_ thing about your destiny-- you’re
fated to have dinner in my cabin tonight.”

Warrior: “Grab his legs!”


X: “Show me that thing you do. No-- no, not on my leg. Show me
on my neck. Yeah-- come on. That was too fast. Now, take it
off and do it again, slower. Take it off. Come on!”



X: “You got some sense of humor. Now, teach me how you did
that. No, not on me. Teach me on yourself. Here? There-- oh.”

M’Lila: [Speaks Gaelic]

X: “You see-- I can play, too. Come on.”


JC: “Where did you steal that dress?”

X: “Stugeira (sp?).”

JC: “Maybe someday, you can go back for the rest of it.”

X: “Are you complaining?”

JC: “No-- not at all. It’s lovely. Why Stugeira?”

X: “It’s the ancient enemy of my home village, Amphipolis.”

JC: “Amphipolis. So all your raiding and looting is about
protecting your homeland?”

X: “That’s right. It was once brutally attacked by a warlord.
But I’ve made sure that’ll never happen again. And what about

JC: “What about me?”

X: “What drives you?”

JC: “The desire to be great.”

X: “You mean powerful.”

JC: “No-- greatness isn’t just about possessing power. If it
was, any thug with an army would be entitled to that label.
Greatness is about achieving what seems impossible-- to other

X: “Why don’t you and I work together?”

JC: “What do you mean?”

X: “This life I’m living is beginning to bore me. I’d love to
join forces with you.”

JC: “So-- you wanna help me conquer the world.”

X: “Why not? We’d make an unstoppable team.”

JC: “Indeed. I bet you know a lot-- about conquest.”

X: “Yes-- I love it. Pursuing the enemy; breaking down his
defenses; cutting off his only path of retreat; and then closing
for the kill.”

JC: “Some enemies are-- harder-- that others.”

X: “Oh, I count on it.”


JC: “What’s the matter? Not all there?”

X: “No-- I was just wondering if we’ll ever see one another

JC: “A moment won’t pass-- when I’m not thinking about you. Now
go. I’ll find you, I promise.”


[M’Lila’s Song]


L: “Ship ahoy!”

M’Lila: [Speaks Gaelic]

X: “Bring her around! We’re going to join them! It’s all
right. He’s my friend. Hurry up!”


JC: “Now!”

X: “What do you think you’re doing?!”

JC: “This-- is my destiny. You’re a part of it. And I’m a part
of yours.”



Brutus [B]: “The ship is secured, Caesar.”

JC: “Good. Where’s that friend of yours-- the Gaelic slave

X: “I had to kill her-- because she betrayed me.”

JC: “Really? Well I don’t blame you. Still, she would have
fetched a good price with the gladiator dealers.”

X: “Is that what you have planned for me? We were going to
conquer the world together. What happened to those plans for

JC: “Us-- there was never any us, Xena-- only Rome. And I am
Rome. Still-- don’t think that what we had was meaningless.
I’ll always remember it-- and you’ll have a special place of
honor-- among my conquered.”


B: “She was an easier prey than I expected.”

JC: “Divide and conquer, my friend. You divide a woman’s
emotion from her sensibilities-- and you have her. I could’ve
sold you and all your friends into slavery, Xena-- but that’s
what any common warlord would do. But with this-- and especially
with you-- I defy myself-- to all those who would dare oppose
me-- all those who would dare prey on Rome. Goodbye, Xena.
Break her legs.”

X: [Screams]


G: “Sleep. You’re getting worse.”


Roman Sold: “Who goes there?! I asked you a question!”


B: “The Senate will never approve the funds for a northern
invasion. You move too fast, Caesar. Time is on your side.
Take advantage of it.”

JC: “I shall. And my time is now. The plunder I have taken
from these pirates makes it so. I can finance my invasion
without the approval of the Senate. And with victory-- the army
will pledge allegiance-- and Rome will be mine. No, Brutus--
from this moment on, I am no longer subordinate to old men in
white robes. I’m their rival. What is this?”

Sold: “Caesar-- the barbarian woman-- the one name Xena--

JC: “Your life is forfeit-- that you already know. But you can
redeem yourself. Take my centurion guard and find her. I want
her lifeless body brought back to me by the end of the night.


Nicklio [N]: “What is this?!”

M’Lila: “Nicklio!” [Speaks Gaelic]

X: “Are you a healer?”

N: “You could say that. I’m _the_ healer.”


G: “Please-- please help me. Please help me. My friend-- she
needs help.”

N: “Xena? What happened to her? Her organs are swelling from
internal bleeding.”

X: “Nicklio-- don’t, please. Let me go.”


X: [Screams]

N: “I’ve just reset your bones You’re lucky M’Lila brought you

X: “Yeah, lucky. M’Lila, huh? Ask her why she saved me?”

N: [Speaks Gaelic]

M’Lila: [Speaks Gaelic]

N: “She says it’s not your time to die.”

X: “Well, if not now, then when?”


N: “Let me see your wound.”

G: “Will you help my friend?”

N: “Xena can wait. You, I can do something about.”

G: “What do you mean?”



N: “You have amazing recuperative powers. How are you feeling?”

X: “Fine-- much stronger. Those needles are fascinating.”

N: “Hmm.”

X: “M’Lila-- up on that cross-- I wasn’t sure that I wanted to
live. You-- you had no reason to save me, but you did. Thank
you. I know you can’t understand.”

M’Lila: [Speaks Gaelic]

N: “She wants to know if you feel anger-- towards Caesar.”

Roman Soldiers: “There she is!” “Get her!”



N: “Something’s happening.”


[Xena Fight Song]


N: “Her pulse is failing.”


X: “You’ll be dead in thrity seconds. But know this-- you won’t
be the last.”

[Theme from the Gauntlet]


N: “She’s gone.”

G: “She can’t be gone.”


X: “Tell Hades to prepare himself. A new Xena is born tonight--
with a new purpose in life--”


G: “No.”


X: “Death.”


G: “No!”

N: “Let her pass over.”

G: “Please-- please wake up. Wake up!”


G: “Wake up!”


G: “Oh-- please wake up. Oh-- do something! Do something!”


X: “M’Lila.”

M’Lila: “Hello, Xena.”

X: “You should have left me to die back there on that beach.”

M’Lila: “You have a destiny, Xena. But you have to choose it.”

X: “I did choose it.! I chose evil!”

M’Lila: “Now that you know evil-- were evil-- you can fight
evil. When the living think of the dead-- the dead can hear
their thoughts. Listen.”

Voice of G: “Xena-- I know you can hear me-- wherever you are.
I know you always told me to be strong. I can’t be-- not now.
You can’t leave me. I know it’s not your time. I can feel it in
my heart. I [should?] feel this emptiness that I’ve never known
before, and it scares me. Xena-- above all-- just remember your
destiny. Remember it and fight. Just, fight to come back. This
world needs you. I need you.”


X: “I have to go back.”

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